Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photo Contest

My awesome friend Kirstin suggested I post one of the many chicken street art photos I've taken to a photo contest of street art offered through Good - a magazine. I decided that was a fabulous idea. After hemming and hawing I decided to go with a photo taken of some chickens being engulfed by an octopus along Echo Park Lake in LA. After submitting the photo, I stressed a few times wondering, was my photo good enough!? will it be posted!?

A few days ago I decided to stop worrying about it and decided that my photo probably wasn't going to be posted. Oh how I like being wrong sometimes! Today I received an email with a link to the approved photos! Mine is one of them! You can find my photo at this link:

And you can even vote for it! Not that I'm too concerned about winning. The fun part is how my enthusiasm for life rose, or shot right up, after seeing one of my photos posted somewhere other than facebook or flicker.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I like that you take risks.